Different colors correspond to the four stages OF ALCHEMY and DEMIGODS
The color gray, the color of dawn
, the first  visual differentiation of color, color of ash, the color of ghosts. The color of SATURN

In alchemy, black is the initial state, in which death reigns, absolute unconsciousness. 
Gray is a combination color, it is semidarkness, in which light just starts to emerge from complete blackness. Then follows the albedo, that is, whitening. The alchemists call it the rising sun that brings the first light of day.
After dawn comes sunrise, called the crack of dawn when the reddening starts. In alchemy, reddening comes after whitening,

and after sunrise the full sun rises to its zeneth the red. Red, as is hot, it is an emotional color and it represents importantly, blood, passion, and fire, the “midday position of the sun.” When the sun reaches its zenith, the transformations of light, the intensity and color of sky light experienced. Started in the black, no light, the unconscious and now the light and everything else has reached its highest perfection. fully conscious. The finished 'light' body is called rubinus in alchemy.

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Image result for SEVEN PLANETS COLOR associations

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A keyboard depicting note-color associations. Note that the colors are experienced with the sounding of the note, and are not localized to piano keys.
Chromesthesia or sound-to-color synesthesia is a type of synesthesia in which heard sounds automatically and involuntarily evoke an experience of color.[1] For the purpose of disambiguation, this article will refer to this chromesthesia in inducer-concurrent terms used to describe other forms of synesthesia. With sounds inducing color concurrents, chromesthesia is more accurately termed sound-color synesthesia. Individuals with sound-color synesthesia are consciously aware of their synesthetic color associations/perceptions in daily life.[2]Synesthetes that perceive color while listening to music experience the colors in addition to the normal auditory sensations that would be triggered in the average person. That is, the synesthetic color experience supplements, but does not obscure real, modality-specific perceptions.[2] As with other variations of synesthesia, individuals with sound-color synesthesia perceive the synesthetic experience spontaneously, and without effort, and in a way that the individual learns to accept as normal within their realm of experience.[2]
Soul color is defined as a color that strongly resonates with our soul or our soul resonates back its color. As we already know, colors deeply affect our mood and our mood our color. Similarly, certain colors actually soothe the soul while others ignite or flare it up. Different colors have different vibrations and through meditation, we can also sense the vibration of cosmic energy flowing through the body. When we focus on our breath, we also activate the Prana or the Chi energy in the mind and body and this is also a form of vibration. Due to this reason, the energy that flows is linked to the soul energy. So, if a soul shows preference to a particular color, it simply means that, that it matches itself to that color’s vibration.
In Alchemy the blue color is assigned to the opposite end of the circular spectrum.
Blue stands in stark contrast to red in that it indicates a cool and calming state.

Deep Blue grey is the color of lead and water and sky, water contained in a vessel  can represent the unconscious. In the clear blue of the water, however we can see Manu's fish, clearly demonstrating how easy it is for a fish or human to find the still point between air rising and water sinking. The Pisces/fish lung is the physical equalizer between the external atmospheric pressure, and the ability of the conscious self, fish or man to stay stationary simply by adjusting the oxygen intake to keep an equilibrium with the external atmospheric pressure. through an inner ear type of processor. A difficult act to follow, keeping ones spirit high under varying pressures. Here Pisces, can help us remember how easy it is to avoid drowning in the flood waters of sin. 
Air and water contrasting yet complimentary as is the light above with the darkness below, where Manu's fish always had an eye on the the Geko patiently waiting in the murky bottom of the unconscious. 
Mary’s mantle has always been seen as the symbol of a spiritual vessel, as it represents the womb in which Christ was formed. The womb to tomb both seen  spiritual vessel.
The color blue cannot be found as a set color in alchemy, for blue as matter is dark bluish grey, which the whitening light  transforms.  Matter does not follow the same transformations of color. With heat, additive or subtractive don't apply. 
Red, green, and blue colors (collectively called RGB) that televisions and computer monitors mix in various intensities to create all other colors. These are the actual (and not reflected) colors seen by the eye. Also called additive primary colors
subtractive color model explains the mixing of a limited set of dyes, inks, paint pigments or natural colorants to create a wider range of colors, each the result of partially or completely subtracting (that is, absorbing) some wavelengths of light and not others.

However blues are found in the Arts of the East, where it takes the place from black. it starts with very deep blue, almost black to very light almost translucent, or white brilliant blue of lightening. The whitening of blue starts with deep subterranean waters or the deep blue sea, described as the color of the underworld, its height goes into clear translucent white/light. 
The deepest Blue of water represents the unconscious. In Egypt, Osiris in the underworld is portrayed in black or blue. It is more a bluish-green color, it is cyan the transformation that takes place as the intensity of light increases, a yellowing of the white, starts to show before any other color, reflecting on dark colored particles of matter. This process of the yellowing transforms the blue toward the green, expressing the intermediary transitional color as cyan. This play of light these transformations characterize not only the journey up from the underworld toward the light, but also the waters above and the waters below of the old testament. 
The above being the transformations of reflected light observed as color in air. In Alchemy again the four stages are defined by color. The transformations of matter as well as in light and spirit start and or end with deep coagulated menstrual red. The bluish-green sea housed the spirits of the dead.
The fourth stage of alchemy is man, to whom no color is assigned. I presume that is because man is mind and the inner and outer ultimate quality is its transparency, its pure white blinding light, no color. 
Four emerges in the work of Schopenhauer in the theorem of the Fourfold Root of the Principle of Sufficient Reason.
So the transformation of light occur in four stages. 
In antiquity, the world was quartered into four seasons, elements, to which also four temperaments corresponded.The rivers of paradise, the river that flows out of the Garden of Eden parts and becomes four. The Gnostic illustrates the development of the inner human being in four stages. In Christianity, the division into four is expressed by the symbol of the cross. Professor Jung says that the priest divides the water in the form of the cross, he seemingly divides it into four parts. In this way he reenacts the beginning of creation. By this act the house of water makes the water the sacred, mysterious, eternal, instrument of purification and salvation of divine water, by which man is cleansed of all sinfulness and impurity.

The ablution, in alchemy, as it were, water puts all back into the primordial state of innocence.
In each case of totality, four, a Quaternary, expressed as a tetra-grammaton or not plays an important role, in science, with the most elaborate ideas that cant be reached 
on all fours. The four always expresses the coming into being of what is essentially human, the emergence of human consciousness. Transference.

The alchemical process also begins with the same number of differentiation, a division into the four elements, differentiated, put back into its primordial state so to speak, so that it can undergo transformation.

The terms, carnality and reversionism refer to people who have rejected God's truth and are going down to the Sin Unto Death
In terms of the rainbow colors, they have left the Love the light and sanctification of Gods (white light) and are proceeding down from violet blue to blood red. Carnality refers to a believer who has sinned, lost the Feeling of the Holy Spirit, and is under the control of the Sin Nature. Since the Old Sin Nature resides in the cell structure of the body, it is called "the flesh" in scripture. Thus, carnal refers to a believer under the control of the flesh, or Old Sin Nature. The carnal believer may just be temporarily out of fellowship. He can recover from carnality through Rebound.

Colors of Master Plan of the Ages

The colors of the rainbow also reveal God's master plan of the ages beginning with the creation of the heavens and the Earth and culminating in the Eternal State.  The Earth is symbolized by the color red.  It is covered by the blue sky, which symbolizes Heaven.  Then God created the angels, THE MESSENGERS, THE CABIERI. The color red applies to both the original and the re-creation of the Earth.  Man's sin on the Earth is also symbolized by red.  Red is the color of the Red Planet, Nergal/Ares/Mars also  symbolizes the Blood of Christ.Ages of history are symbolized by the colors of the rainbow along with corresponding planets and Feasts.

ORANGE - Morning Star - 
The Morning Star is the herald of the dawn, which separates the light of day from the darkness of night (Gen 1:4). 
Dawn/orange a union or a separation between day and night and between the Father from the son as Jesus Christ on the Cross (Matt 27:46Orange also symbolizes the separation of God from man.
Yellow, which symbolizes Life and Eternal Life, also corresponds to the Age of Israel, which was analogous to the rings of time on the trunk of a tree.  Israel was the caretaker of the Laws of God and the means of evangelizing the Gentiles.
Green for blessing and  fruit bearing. The great symbol of Spiritual productivity, the fruit of the Spirit.
The Millennium is symbolized by blue, for it represents the Kingdom of Heaven.  This corresponds to the Feast of Tabernacles, which was held in the seventh month, for categorical completion, at the end of the civil year.  The Feast of Tabernacles signifies the Lord dwelling with His people on the Earth during the Millennium.
Indigo symbolizes the covering of the heavens and the subsequent destruction of the Universe after the Millennium.  Violet symbolizes the Royal Family of God and corresponds to the creation of the new heavens and new Earth of the Eternal State.   This is symbolized by the Feast of Lights, Purim, or Dedication.  And white symbolizes holy sanctification corresponding to the glory of the New (Heavenly) Jerusalem.



The oldest Babylonian star catalogues of stars, astorisms and constellations date back to the beginning in the Middle Bronze Age, most notably the Three Stars Each texts and the MUL.APIN, an expanded and revised version based on more accurate observation from around 1000 BC. However, the numerous Sumerian names in these catalogues obviously suggest that they were built on much older, but otherwise unattested, Sumerian traditions of the very Early Bronze Age.
Forty-eight of the constellations are known as ancient or original, meaning they were talked about by the Greeks and probably by the Babylonians and still earlier cultures.


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