9  Represents the three divine manifestations in the three plans: world of the spirit, world of the soul, world of the matter, which gives a triple manifestations of Trinity (3 x 3).

In 1967, there was proven that the Indian Brahm alphabet (XV century B.C.) has originated from the Hiksos alphabet and has a number of similarities with the hieroglyphs found in Metsamor and the hieroglyphs in the ancient Armenian manuscripts.
As it is known, the Brahm alphabet has its influence on the origination of the ancient Arabic numerals. There is also distinctly marked the genealogical connection of the numerals of Brahm alphabet and the Hiksos and ancient Armenian hieroglyphs.
harp excavated in the ruins of ancient Ur, where Abraham originally lived.

Notice this harp has 11 strings with a nicely ornamented sounding board with a ram's head at the end. 
the Akkadians typically preferring to worship fewer deities but elevating them to greater positions of power. Circa 2335 BCE, Sargon of Akkad conquered all of Mesopotamia, uniting its inhabitants into the world's first empire and spreading its domination into ancient Iran, the LevantAnatoliaCanaan and the Arabian PeninsulaThe Book of Jubilees states that Ur was founded in 1688 Anno Mundi (year of the world) by 'Ur son of Kesed, presumably the offspring of Arphaxad, adding that in this same year wars began on Earth.
Ebla maintained its prosperity through a vast trading network. Artifacts from SumerCyprusEgypt and as far as Afghanistan were recovered from the city's palaces. The kingdom had its own language, Eblaite and the political organization of Ebla had features different from the Sumerian model. Women enjoyed a special status and the queen had major influence in the state and religious affairs. The pantheon of gods was mainly north Semitic and included deities exclusive to Ebla. The city was excavated starting in 1964, and became famous for the Ebla tablets, an archive of about 20,000 cuneiform tablets found there, dated to around 2350 BC. Written in both Sumerian and Eblaite and using the cuneiform, the archive has allowed a better understanding of the Sumerian language and provided important information over the political organization and social customs of the mid third millennium BC's Levant. 
the land of Haran's nativity, Ge 11:28 the place from which Terah and Abraham started "to go into the land of Canaan." Ge 11:31 It is called in Genesis "Ur of the Chaldaeans," while in the Acts St. Stephen places it, by implication, in Mesopotamia. Ac 7:2,4 These are all the indications which Scripture furnishes as to its locality. It has been identified by the most ancient traditions with the city of Orfah in the highlands of Mesopotamia, which unite the table-land of Armenia to the valley of the Euphrates. In later ages it was called Edessa, and was celebrated as the capital of Abgarus or Acbarus who was said to have received the letter and portrait of our Saviour. "Two, physical features must have secured Orfah, from the earliest times, as a nucleus for the civilization of those regions. It was the site of a famous temple, E-Nannar, "house of Nannar," and the chief seat in Babylonia of the worship of the moon-god, Nannar, later known as Sin. Under the title Ur of the Chaldees, it is mentioned in the Bible as the original home of Abraham.

"Eblaite", the name by which it is known today. LOGOGRAMS
The purely phonetic use of Sumerian logograms marks a momentous advance in the history of writing.[6] From the earlier system developed by Sumerian scribes, employing a mixed use of logograms and phonetic signs, the scribes at Ebla employed a reduced number of signs from the existing systems entirely phonetically, both the earliest example of transcription (rendering sounds in a system invented for another language) and a major simplifying step towards "reader friendliness" that would enable a wider spread of literacy in palace, temple and merchant contexts.
"And 'Ur, the son of Kesed, built the city of 'Ara of the Chaldees, and called its name after his own name and the name of his father." (i.e., Ur Kasdim).
The Upanishad calls it the Soul of the Universe or Brahman, and elaborates that Hiraṇyagarbha floated around in emptiness and the darkness of the non-existence for about a year, and then broke into two halves which formed the Svarga and the Pṛthvi.
In classical Purāṇic Hinduism, Hiraṇyagarbha is the term used in the Vedanta for the "creator". Hiraṇyagarbha is also Brahmā, so called because he was born from a golden egg (Manu Smṛti 1.9), while the Mahābhārata calls it the Manifest.
Hiraṇyagarbha (Sanskrit: हिरण्यगर्भः ; literally the 'golden womb' or 'golden egg', poetically translated as 'universal germ') is the source of the creation of [universe]] or the manifested cosmos in Vedic philosophy.
The Brahmanda Purana manuscripts are encyclopedic in their coverage, covering topics such as cosmogonySanskara (rite of passage)genealogy, mythology, chapters on ethics and duties (Dharma), Yoga, geography, rivers, good government, administration, diplomacy, trade, festivals, a travel guide to places such as KashmirCuttack and Kanchipuram, and other topics

The world eggcosmic egg or mundane egg is a mythological motif found in the creation myths of many cultures andcivilizations. Typically, the world egg is a beginning of some sort, and the universe or some primordial being comes into existence by "hatching" from the egg, sometimes lain on the primordial waters of the Earth.One of the earliest ideas of "egg-shaped cosmos" comes from some of the Sanskrit scriptures. The Sanskrit term for it is Brahmanda(ब्रह्माण्ड) which is derived from two words- 'Brahm' (ब्रह्म) means 'cosmos' or 'expanding' and 'anda' (अण्ड) means 'egg'. Certain Puranassuch as the Brahmanda Purana speak of this in detail.
The Rig Veda (RV 10.121) uses a similar name for the source of the universe: Hiranyagarbha (हिरण्यगर्भ) which literally means "golden fetus" or "golden womb". The Upanishads elaborate that the Hiranyagarbha floated around in emptiness for a while, and then broke into two halves which formed Dyaus (Heaven) and Prithvi (Earth). The Rig Veda has a similar coded description of the division of the universe in its early stages.The Orphic Egg in the Ancient Greek Orphic tradition is the cosmic egg from which hatched the primordial hermaphroditic deityPhanes/Protogonus (variously equated also with Zeus, Pan, Metis, Eros, Erikepaios and Bromius) who in turn created the other gods.[3]The egg is often depicted with a serpent wound around it.
Many threads of earlier myths are apparent in the new tradition. Phanes was believed to have been hatched from the World-Egg ofChronos (Time) and Ananke (Necessity). His older wife Nyx (Night) called him Protogenus. As she created nighttime, he created daytime. He also created the method of creation by mingling. He was made the ruler of the deities and passed the sceptre to Nyx. This new Orphic tradition states that Nyx later gave the sceptre to her son Uranos before it passed to Cronus and then to Zeus, who retained it.In the original myth concerning the Ogdoad, the world arose from the waters as a mound of dirt, which was deified as HathorRa was contained within an egg laid upon this mound by a celestial bird. In the earliest version of this myth, the bird is a goose (it is not explained where the goose originates). However, after the rise of the cult of Thoth, the egg was said to have been a gift from Thoth and laid by an ibis, the bird with which he was associated. Phoenician philosophical creation story traced to "the cosmogony of Taautus, whom Philo of Byblos explicitly identified with the Egyptian Thoth—"the first who thought of the invention of letters, and began the writing of records"— which begins with Erebus and Wind, between which Eros 'Desire' came to be.In a mixed confusion, the germs of life appear, and intelligent animals called Zophasemin (explained probably correctly as 'observers of heaven') formed together as an egg, perhaps. The account is not clear. Then Môt burst forth into light and the heavens were created and the various elements found their stations.
One egg's lower half transformed
And became the earth below,
And its upper half transmuted
And became the sky above;
From the yolk the sun was made,
Light of day to shine upon us;
From the white the moon was formed,
Light of night to gleam above us;
All the colored brighter bits
Rose to be the stars of heaven
And the darker crumbs changed into
Clouds and cloudlets in the sky.
In many original folk poems, the duck - or sometimes an eagle - laids its eggs on the knee of VäinämöinenOn the island of Cyprus, the egg is represented as a gigantic egg-shaped vase.
Graves' imaginatively reconstructed "Pelasgian creation myth" features a supreme creatrixEurynome, "The Goddess of All Things", sweet dew point who arose naked from Chaos/Chors4, to part sea from sky so that she could dance upon the waves. Catching the north wind at her back and, rubbing it between her hands, she warms the pneuma and spontaneously generates the serpent Ophion, who mates with her. In the form of a dove upon the waves, she lays the Cosmic Egg and bids Ophion to incubate it by coiling seven times around until it splits in two and hatches "all things that exist... sun, moon, planets, stars, the earth with its mountains and rivers, its trees, herbs, and living creatures"
‘the whole is more than the sum of its parts’.
Life can be studied as a hierarchical system. Historical evolutionary development and emergence of H.sapiens as species, include emergence of such concepts as anthropogenesis, phylogenesis, morphogenesis, cephalization, systemogenesis , cognition systems autonomy.
On the other hand, development of an individual’s intellect deals with concepts of embryogenesisontogenesismorphogenesisneurogenesis

Positional notation or place-value notation is a method of representing or encoding numbers.
Sky-maps by hemisphere:

Northern Hemisphere

Southern Hemisphere

Shamash, the sun god, rising in the morning from the eastern mountains between (left) Ishtar (Sumerian: Inanna), the goddess of the morning star, and (far left) Ninurta, the god of thunderstorms, with his bow and lion, and (right) Ea (Sumerian: Enki), the god of fresh water, with (far right) his vizier, the two-faced Usmu.

Image result for armenia numeral cosmology

Related image
Proto-Indo-Aryan (sometimes Proto-Indic) is the reconstructed proto-language of the Indo-Aryan languages.[1] It is intended to reconstruct the language of the Proto-Indo-Aryans. It is descended from Proto-Indo-Iranian and Proto-Indo-European. It is a Satem language.[3]Proto-Indo-Aryan is meant to be the predecessor of Old Indo-Aryan (1500–300 BCE) which is directly attested as Vedicand Mitanni-Aryan. Indeed, Vedic and Mitanni-Aryan are very close to Proto-Indo-Aryan.
KYPROGENESIS A circle can be thought of as the set (or locus) of points equidistant from a fixed point called the center. The set of points so designated is called the circumference of the circle. Any line connecting the center of the circle to its circumference is called a radius of the circle (plural: radii). By the definition of a circle, all radii of any circle must be equal in length. A circle can have an infinite number of radii. Any line passing through the center of a circle that is terminated on both ends by the circumference is termed a diameter of the circle. A diameter of a circle must necessarily be twice the length of its radius. A circle can have an infinite number of diameters.
It was not until this Limitless Light had concentrated Itself to a Centre that the First Positive Idea arose, and this was called

Kether and attributed to the Number One Kether is then the junction of these Two Infinites, Kether is the highest emanation of the Tree of life, brilliant as Kabbalistic Tree of Life, which itself is a manifestation of the sacred geometry of Creation through its structure of 10 emanations and 22 paths of elemental force linking them into a pattern of Time, Space and Energy. The tree represents a map of Creation, unfolding from the primordial Unity to the infinite diversity of manifested reality, expressed according to a certain mathematical progression based upon the square root of three, the holy Trinity.

Ea/Enki was originally a Sumerian god adopted into Akkadian, Babylonian, Canaanite, Hittite and Hurrian theology where he was a creator god associated with water and was among the earliest deities to be associated with numerology (his sacred number was 40). His image is a double-helix snake, or the Caduceus, similar to the Rod of Asclepius, and is often shown with a horned crown of divinity dressed in the skin of a carp. From the 3rd millennium BCE, Ea represents wisdom, semen and magic.




Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, Yerevan
1. Armenia
The legends of the beginning of Armenia (ethnogonic myth) have
reached us in the books of the “father of Armenian history” Movses
Khorenatsi and the seventh-century writer Sebeos (Khorenatsi I 6,9-20; Sebeos I; see Thomson 1978: 77 f.; 83 ff.; 357 ff.). Accordingto these sources, Armenia was first inhabited by one of theyoungest sons of Shem, elder son of Xisutres (Noah), and hisdescendants (Khorenatsi I 6). The second time Armenia wasoccupied by the legendary forefather of the Armenians Hayk, sonof biblical Thogarma, and his descendants.After the construction of the tower of Babel, Hayk refused toobey the deified Babylonian tyrant Bel the Titanid (identified withthe biblical Nimrod), and with his large patriarchal family,consisting of three hundred men, moved to the north and settled inArmenia. Bel attacked Hayk with his huge army, but was killed in battle. Hayk is considered the eponymous patriarch of theArmenians and the Armenian autonym (self-appellation)
derived from his name. Hayk’s eldest son Aramaneak moved to the
north, to the Ayrarat province and its core plain to the north of Mt.Ararat (modern name: Ararat Valley), which remains the domain of the subsequent generations of the Haykids. After severalgenerations the second eponymous patriarch of the Armenians,
Aram, through many battles enlarged Armenia’s borders in all
directions and created a new, powerful Armenia.
Aram’s son Aray/Ara the Handsome (
Aray Gełec‘ik
),eponym of the province Ayarat and Ararat Valley, ruled Armenia
I am greatly indebted to Séamus Mac Mathúna and Maxim Fomin for their important and thoughtful comments on an earlier version of this paper. Also, Iwould like to express my thanks to John Carey and Hrach Martirosyan who provided me with some important literature on the figures of Irish prehistory.

Armenia and Ireland: Myths of Prehistory
while Assyria was under the power of Šamiram (Gk.
the widow of Bel’s descendant Ninos. Šamiram became amorous of
Ara the Handsome and tried to marry him, but he rebuffed thelascivious Assyrian queen. He was killed in battle against theAssyrians and yet was supposed to be resurrected by the mythicdog-like creatures called Aralezes, which used to lick and cure thewounds of heroes and hence to
revive them. With Ara’sdeath/resurrection, the “sacred” mythical era of the forefathers of Armenia ended and the profane human “history” began.
It is well established that naming in mythology is equivalentto the creation itself (
. Petrosyan 2002: 159 ff.; 2009): in thisvein, Armenian legends represent the epicised version of thecreation myth. The Armenian Universe and time

countries,mountains, rivers, months and hours were named after Hayk andthe first Haykids. Hayk, Aram and Ara the Handsome representepic transpositions of the early Armenian gods: Hayk and Aram aretwo aspects of the thunder god, while Ara the Handsome represents
the suffering figure of the son of the thunder god (the “dying god”).
The adversaries of the Armenian heroes represent divine figures of Mesopotamia: e.g., Bel represents
the great Babylonian god Bēl
-Marduk (see Petrosyan 2002; 2007; 2009).While speaking about the populating of Armenia by Hayk and his descendants, on several occasions, Khorenatsi refers tolocal stories (I 11) about various scattered peoples that used toinhabit the territory before Hayk and who willingly submitted toHayk and Haykids (I 11). Obviously, those peoples would have been the descendants of Tarban, who populated the country severalgenerations earlier. This could lead us to propose that the legend of the pre-Armenian inhabitants of Armenia could be traced down tothe sources not only of biblical, but also of folklore origin.

  • The day you are happy for no reason whatsoever, the day you find yourself taking delight in everything and in nothing, you will know that you have found the land of unending joy called the kingdom of God. If you want to know what that means, it means to be happy, look at a flower, a bird, a child; they are perfect images of the kingdom. For they live from moment to moment in the eternal now with no past and no future. As long as your happiness is caused or sustained by something or someone outside of you, you are still in the land of the dead. Hmmmmm 

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