I will try in this monologue to prove beyond a shadow of doubt that the origin of Armenian speach/language was designed 5000 years ago by a group of. The ARARICH meaning both author and god in Armenian intuitivly knew that for a word to ring true in the heart and mind of the listener, that it had to ring true first at the elemental level. Here I will attempt to demonste that each and every sound mimiced by the speaker had an agreed upon common/comunal meaning to at least 72 wise men and women before it was confirmed.
Sound symbolism refers to a non-arbitrary relationship between sound and meaning. Many scholars have been interested in whether sound symbolic patterns are universal, for the starting point is if humans have common intuitions about how sound should have/represent meaning, these intuitions could have facilitated the origins or origin of language.
I believe the implications of what I have stated above if true is profound