Although focusing on the African continent, Afrocentricity originated in the United States of America (USA).In terms of its expression. Afrocentricity is not a new movement. The historical tendency of paying attention to Africa from an African perspective can be found in the USA in the early 1800s when it made one of its first appearances in an 1827 editorial in Freedom's Journal, the first black newspaper in the USA, which alleged a relationship between Africans and the ancient Egyptians. During the 20th century, Frederick Douglass (1953) and David Walker (1996) attempted to explain the reasons for the abolition of slavery in part on the achievements of Nile Valley Africans. By tracing the existence of a magnificent ancient Egyptian civilization in Africa, it demonstrated that European claims of African inferiority were false. Afro-centricity also has its roots in the great Afro-American tendency of seeking mental health through right living and right believing. Afro-centrists made the connection between black history and black education, properly construed, and black self-esteem, long before the word "self-esteem" was a "can't" word in the interpretation of African culture. Marcus Garvey, a Pan-Africanist of Jamaican origin, is venerated by most Afrocentrists as one of the early Afro-centrists to claim that ancient Egypt gave to the world civilization. The Afrocentricity idea gained momentum during the earlier forms of Black Nationalist thought - Negritude and Pan-Africanism - in the various forms it has taken since the 18th century, the Black Power Movement of the 1960s and the Black is Beautiful Movement of the 1970s.Advocates of the Afrocentric ideas request a reconstruction and rewriting of the whole landscape of human history in its explanation of the origin of mankind, and the origin of philosophy, science, medicine, agriculture, and architecture.

For Afrocentrists, the achievements of Africans in ancient times were well documented by Herodotus (considered the father of history in a Eurocentric world) who glorified the achievements of Egypt in relationship to Greece. Aristotle reported that the Egyptians gave the world the study of geometry and mathematics. Apart from Herodotus and Aristotle, other Greek historians who wrote about what the Greeks learned from Egypt are Homer, Lamblicus, Aetius, Diodorus Siculus, Diogenes Laertius, Plutarch, and Plato. Although without proof in some cases, some Afrocentrists argue that ancient records show that some ancient Greek students who studied in Egypt include Plato, Solon, Lycurgus, Democritus, Anaxamander, Anaxagoras, Homer, Thales, Pythagoras, Eudoxus, and Isocrates.

In an attempt to prove the contribution made by Africans to world civilization, I, a self taught person on the origins of language who has become skilled in many disciplines, i dedicated in my pursuit of Ma'at understand that the origin of  language is not culture based. 
The Nganga is a Bantu term used to refer to someone who is a traditional doctor and/or diviner, spiritual healer in traditional Bantu religions and spiritualities. Words like “witch doctor”  “medicine man” are all colonial racist terms. Due to Islamisation and Christianisation there are Bangnga (not all) who practice traditional religions and/or spiritualities that have syncretised Islam and Christianity. Nganga is used as an umbrella term for different types of diviners, spiritual healers and traditional doctors in some Bantu cultures and there are around 600 Bantu ethnic groups so, there are variations of the word Nganga. it is clearly written down, recorded and codified in Hieroglyphs on the walls of tombs and Egyptian pyramids and translated by universal academia (transliterated by the Copts of Africa.) Some of these academics not only affirmed the achievements of black African civilization but also place Africa at the center of history and culture and claim that European culture emerged from Africa.
Afroc-entricity academically is being adopted across several disciplines such as African studies, social work, psychology, sociology, communication, English, political science, history, and anthropology, but not spirituality and linguistics. Combining elements of philosophy, science, history, and mythology to explain human conditions helps but I believe combining elements of shamanism, Psychology and linguistics would be more revealing. If taught, its teaching can illuminate the unity of all rather than the distinction between the One and the All. In the beginning the word or should we say the sound, the verb that made the word and brought humanity out of chaos/ignorance into human-centric OneAll planet based on gnome.


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