

I will try in this monologue to prove beyond a shadow of doubt that the origin of Armenian speach/language was designed 5000 years ago by a group of. The ARARICH meaning both author and god in Armenian intuitivly knew that for a word to ring true in the heart and mind of the listener, that it had to ring true first at the elemental level. Here I will attempt to demonste that each and every sound mimiced by the speaker had an agreed upon common/comunal meaning to at least 72 wise men and women before it was confirmed.  Sound symbolism refers to a non-arbitrary relationship between sound and meaning. Many scholars have been interested in whether sound symbolic patterns are universal, for the starting point is if humans have common intuitions about how sound should have/represent meaning, these intuitions could have facilitated the origins or origin of language. I believe the implications of what I have stated above if true is profound

Greek PATERology Armenian HIERology the origin of the word HIERarchy

The 25th century BC comprises the years from 2500 BC to 2401 BC From c. 2900–2334 BC we have Mesopotamian wars of the Early Dynastic period . c. 2500 BC: Scribal schools flourish throughout Sumer . c. 2500 BC: Assyria is established. c. 2500 BC: Cylinder seal from Sumer and its impression are made. c. 2500–2250 BC: Ebla tablets are collected in the ancient city of Ebla , Syria . c. 2492 BC: Traditional date for the legendary foundation of Armenia by Hayk  was 4522 years ago! c. 2450 BC: End of the Early Dynastic IIIa Period and beginning of the Early Dynastic IIIb Period in Sumer . c. 2450 BC: Kish is lost to Hamazi tribesmen of the Kurdistan mountains; Elam under the Awan dynasty occupies parts of Sumer. (Roux 1980) c. 2410 BC: By this time, kings in Sumer have ceased to be automatically high priests of the city deity . (Roux 1980) Infiltration and conquest of Mesopotamia by ancient Semitic-speaking peoples begins. Earliest signs of Corded Ware culture from the Cauc...


The Scrollator is a gait trainer, it is a four wheeled device designed to assist those who are unable to walk independently. It supports the user to adopt and keep an upright posture. It helps them to learn or relearn to walk safely and efficiently from static to dynamic as part of gait training. The Scrollator is intended for children or adults with physical disabilities, to provide the opportunity to improve walking ability. Designed to promote postural alignment to enable static and dynamic exercise gait practice. It functions as a support walker and provides more assistance for balance and weight-bearing, than does a traditional rollator walker, or a walker with platform attachments. It also provides opportunities to stand and to bear weight in a safe, supported position. Various movement disorders that result in the inability to walk independently, necessitates the use of the Scrollator the ultimate gait trainer. Locomotor disability may be due to a medical condition from childho...


GAITMASTER GATEKEEPER  the patient is the voyager. An under-recognized effect of stroke is the impact on mood that often occurs. Many individuals develop depression, anxiety, PSD, PTSD, and other psychological sequelae. These disorders can significantly affect their lives and their relationships. Ego death  is a "complete loss of subjective self-identity".  The term is used in various intertwined contexts, with related meanings.  Jungian psychology  uses the synonymous term  psychic death , referring to a fundamental transformation of the psyche.  In death and rebirth mythology, ego death is a phase of  self-surrender and transition ,  as described by  Joseph Campbell  in his research on the mythology of the  Hero's Journey .  Ego is here presented as an accumulation of thoughts and emotions, continuously identified with, which creates the idea and feeling of being a separate entity from one's self.   Muslim Sufis cal...


Hmm  is an exclamation (an emphatic interjection ) typically used to express reflection,  uncertainty ,  thoughtful  absorption, or hesitation.  Hmm is technically categorized as an  interjection , like  um . The first  h -sound is a mimic for breathing out, and the second  m -sound, since the mouth is closed, is representing that the person is not currently sure what to say . The pause filler indicates that the person is temporarily speechless, but still engaged in thought. The variety of tones, pitches, and lengths used add nuances in meaning. A p ause,  a filler word such as  um ,  is commonly used to form a thought.  This expression is used in very many  languages, yet the origin. the etymology of  hmm  is difficult to find, mainly because the sound/word is so natural to humans that it may have arisen at the biginning of time. This is highlighted by  Anatoly Liberman , a  linguist  at the...